Between ‘Asar and Maghrib on Fridays | Dua | Pray

Between ‘Asar and Maghrib on Fridays.

The Prophet s.a.w. said,

يَوْمُ الْجُمُعَةِ اثْنَتَا عَشْرَةَ سَاعَةً لاَ يُوجَدُ فِيهَا عَبْدٌ مُسْلِمٌ يَسْأَلُ اللَّهَ شَيْئًا إِلاَّ آتَاهُ إِيَّاهُ فَالْتَمِسُوهَا آخِرَ سَاعَةٍ بَعْدَ الْعَصْ

Dua Between ‘Asar and Maghrib on Fridays
Between ‘Asar and Maghrib on Fridays

“Friday consists of twelve hours. There is one in which a Muslim who asks Allah for something will have it granted to him. Seek it in the last hour after ‘Asar.”
(Sunan An-Nasa’i)
